Sunday, October 31, 2004

I'm so excited....

I can barley contain myself.

It's 5:40 am local, and this could very well be my last blog for a solid week.

Suse has expressed an intrest in guest blogging, so I'm going to let her.

We're spending tonight at my son's house on the Central Coast of California, and will arrive in the happiest place on Earth bright and early Monday morning.

I know that you will all miss me desperatly, and that you're all so jealous that you can hardly see straight.

I may keep a paper journal to use as blogs when I get back. I'm still undecided on that though. There's so little time when we're down there.

We do get fireworks this year. That's cool.

Ok, time to gather up the last of the stuff, and hit the road.

You all be good, and if you can't be good, be careful.

Gato el muerte,


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