First the set up. I'm going to through in a link or two that you can read if you want the long version.
The short version goes something like this. A while ago (like 20 mos or so) my son Michael had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. It took them a bit, but they found the problem.
It was a vascular malformation. You can read that if you want, but it basically amounted to a walnut-sized mass that they had to dig out of his brain.
Yes, you read that right. My son had brain surgery. Needless to say, he made it through fine, but, as you might imagine, it drastically changed his outlook on things.
And not in a bad way.
He came through it with a better understanding of the world around him, and how fleeting this life can be. He sees the world for what it is, and he's of the opinion (as am i) that things have got to change.
In his search for balance after this, he found his center in ceramics.
Not only does it bring him peace and balance, but he's fucking good at it.
Now, when you couple his new-found passion with his new-found attitude about things you get to where we are now. In addition to the bowls and jars and other pieces he's made (if you want some pix email me) he's started making what he calls 'coins,' or 'change.'
They look like this:

Here's another one:

Ok, so the concept goes like this. He's always got some with him, and when he feels the urge, or has some sort of personal interaction with someone...a connection on some level, he hands them one of these pieces. In case you're wondering, yes, I usually have a few on me as well. I do the same thing.
Now, here's where you come in. Those of you whose address I already have will shortly be receiving 4 of these unique coins in the mail. All I ask is that you carry them with you for a while, and then choose one to keep for yourself.
The others? Well, you can give them each to someone that means something to you, or you can give the remaining 3 all to one person, and ask them to choose thier fave and pay the others forward.
Either way, it's all good.
I only have a limited amount right now, but come Summer (michaels going to spend it here) I should be able to send out more, if any of you want to continue spreading change.
Those of you who didn' play along with the whole 'box of love' promotion last year, well, here's your chance. Email me a street addy, and I'll send some change your way.
I love you all,
that second picture looks really sharp
Cool Idea, and the "Change" is some cool-looking WamPum!
That's an old term we used to use back when Native Americans were still called "Indians"! . LoL
Anyway, you've got my new addy,...don't Ya?
Let me know, H
Oh BTW,: I knew there was some issue with your Son, but I didn't know exactly what until today. Man, I don't think I could have handled that as well as you did! My son has been in a couple of accidents that could have been much worse than they were, but Thank God I've never had to deal with a medical crisis like yours. You are tough Dude, and obviously, so is your Boy !
T, I am honored to be included in this group (I hope) and to get to "spread the wealth". It's okay if you feel inclined to send me more than four.
I love you, and hug Michael for me, even though I'm not a hugger, and he probably left already anyway (I can't keep up), but you get the sentiment.
i love this idea - how cool is that. i can't find your email address - email me...
That is so awesome.
I had to catch up on about 47 posts to get to this to find out wtf you were talking about addresses and mail n stuff. I've been a bit busy. And was out of town. SUE ME.
But that idea fuckin' rocks. I'm all for it. And they are soooo cool!!
I, like Princess Sparkle Pants, am so honored to get some of these coins (I got them in the mail today- yay!!) They are so cool and lovely- I love how they feel in my hand.
I can't wait to share them- this is an awesome idea and one I needed right now. Any time you feel like sending out more, I am thrilled and humbled to join you and your son in this quest.
Herm: Yeah, it was tough. He came through fine tho, so...
Kelwhy: Yours were sent too. Have fun!!
WM: I'm surprised how fast they got around..... You and Herm both have yours already, and I only sent them on Wednesday.....
I got mine yesterday!! They are way awesome. So hard to choose.
The cupcake ones made me want a cupcake, though...
Hello! I found you through Kelwhy's blog...this is an awesome idea! I would love to partcipate if you have any left!
Frickin' awesome and inspirational!
I found you through Ari, and I'd like to participate as well. Please.
Ari: Welcome, and thanks for coming along. Keep your eyes peeled.
Heather: That goes for you, too.
Kelwhy sent me. I want to play!
Hey Q, consider yourself oficially 'on the list.'
Finally, I'm one of the cool kids. Right? Right?
Anyone? ...
In my book? One of the coolest.
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