Monday, August 06, 2007

I'll bet you're expecting a tale of excitement and wonder.....

To explain my lack of posting yesterday.

In fact, there is a very simple explanation.

I forgot.

Yeah, I forgot. I logged on early, checked my mail, read blogs, and then, as we were supposed to go to sis's house for brekky, I postponed.

Well, Pops didn't sleep very well Saturday night, and he didn't feel up to going to breakfast, so we just sort of lazed around the house.

Somewhere in the meantime, I forgot that I hadn't posted. Pretty lame, huh?

Yeah, I thought so.

The worst part is, I didn't even remember that I hadn't posted until this morning when I sat down to log on.

I watched 300 the night before last, and I suppose I should have posted about it yesterday, but, well, you know.

It's a pretty awesome movie, imho. I think I'm going to watch the behind the scenes making of special features today. I never knew much about The Battle of Thermopylae, or if I did, I forgot all about it.

It seems to me that I would remember if we had covered it in school, even in a cursory manor. I'm a big fan of the 'against all odds' story, and I think I would have remembered 300 men (well there were more but 300 spartans) fighting an army historically described as 'limitless.'

I mean, that takes some balls.

Big, shiny, brass ones.

This particular version of the tale is based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller. You may or may not know him, but as a comics reader/collecter for a time, his work is very close to my heart.

He's also the author that brought you Sin City. That's one I recommed highly. If you haven't seen it, get yer ass to the video store, or put it in your Netflix queue.

And on that note, I'm outta here.

Carne del diablo,


1 comment:

Beth said...

Yeah, well, as for me, I just really don't have anything truly post worthy *shrugs* I will, I am sure, after school starts.

And, I'm still ya girl. ;)
