This is what things looked like yesterday afternoon:

And the moon last night? About the same:

You can't really tell from the top photo, but the sun was cherry red, and there was so much smoke that you could look directly at it. Not that I stood there and stared or anything, because even then, it can still damage your eyes, but you get the idea.
Right now, my nose is tickling like nobody's business, I have a headache, and a sore throat.
The really need to put California out, 'cause it's fucking killing me.
Buenos con queso,
I repeat, I am *so* glad I don't live out there anymore. But, according to a high school friend of mine, 'our' area isn't really affected. But I am still glad.
You and Pops just need to get out of Dodge. That's all I have to say.
That and... no, that was it.
*humps in fresh air*
damn. well, that's a really pretty color in anycase. that would drive me batty - all that smoke, i'd be chokin' ick.
That's just insane. I have a friend in that is keeping me updated on it all and he's having a helluva time as he has asthma and other ailments that this situation is really not helping.
Take care.
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