Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Friday in the middle of the week....

That's what I've got today.

I don't know if I mentioned it last year or not, but the store's closed on Thanksgiving, and with it being on a Thursday, not only is today my Friday, but I also get a 3 day weekend.

That's pretty rockin' right there.

There's a chance that we'll go out to breakfast in the morning, but I guess it really depends on how much stuff needs to get done tomorrow.

Dinner will be at sis's, of course, but Poppa is doing the cooking (well the bird and gravy at least not sure what else), and he makes a mean turkey.

It should be a good day, and I'm looking forward to it.

What about the rest of you?

What are your plans?

Buenos con queso,



Hishottie2008 said...

Hey you ! so this is where your hiding out lol
I talked to Lynn last night were trying to plan a trip to go see her and Loni and the kids been so long since we have seen any of you :P Steve and I will be in Carson for xmas so we need to make plans to go to dinner or hang out :)
We have my kids for the holiday so im cooking dinner got the honey ham and a turkey so should be fun .
Can you belive Steve has me playing WOW now lol guess it was going to happen if I want to spend time with him :P Well don't be a stranger

Beth said...

What am *I* doing?
I am going to go eat myself sick at my mom's house with my brother.

Oh, and we can't forget about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!!!


I've got the fudge & krispies all made. I was trying to figure out how I could get them to you this time around, but I don't see it happening.

Christmas. I PROMISE.

Hope you have an absolutely blessed Thanksgiving day with your son and family!!

Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

Hey T! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!