Monday, August 10, 2009

Have you heard of

Well, in case you haven't, I'd highly suggest it.

But only if you want to be one of the cool kids, cause we don't no 'poser's hangin' out.

But, on to other things.

Walking sucks.

I mean really sucks.

I did get a ride home tonigh (well sorta) from an old friend, Phil.

He's responsible for the place linked in the title, and you should all go check it out.

Wish I had more, but I'm exhausted...

Buenos con queso,


P.S. it's in case you missed it.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you're still walking? Sorry to hear that!

T.J. said...

Q: Ah, I hardly even notice it anymore. iPods work wonders.....

Anonymous said...

My iPod certainly makes the day go faster at work! Gotta love technology :)

Kelly said...

OMG, our degree of separation just went down to, oh... nil.

Phil and Lisa are old friends of mine from way back. Way back before they had a bazillion kids. We worked at the Appeal together and I went to their wedding at the old Harley dealership.


T.J. said...

I knew Lisa before she started seeing Phil......heh.....

Worked at the Appeal in the Jeff Ackerman/Barry Smith days.

Kelly said...

Well ferchrissakes. I wonder if we were there at the same time. Barry was a smoking buddy, as was Phil. Phil bummed a lot of cigarettes off me back in the day.

I was at the Bath St. office August 2000 to July 2001 before I transferred up to the Incline paper. Do you remember a guy named Travis Ambrose? He was the guy that originally hired me. I think he had worked there since he was 16 or something.

T.J. said...

We may have been. I was at Bath Street from like 99-01ish. I was working in Circ, running the inserter at that time. From like 96-98 I was in the newsroom as a digital imaging tech/back up photog.

Travis sounds familiar. You must remember Kurt Hildebrandt too.

Kelly said...

Bizarre! You and I were actually there at the same time, then. And funny you mention Kurt... I just spoke to him at Raley's in G-Ville after work tonight.

I work at the Trib in SLT now. That office is a frickin' ghost town. All of the papers are, actually, except for the Appeal.