Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm not always ridiculous....

But I met someone today that I can almost guarantee is.

He was an older gentleman, with a moderate attempt at a beard, and thinning used to be blonde hair. He was talking to one the girls about a piece of jewelry when I first saw him. I wasn't really paying attention to him, but I was pickingu up a word here and there.

I'm not really sure how I got drawn into the conversation, but I think it started with my camera. He said something about Nikon, and we started talking cameras. Well, I was talking cameras.

He was talking about everything in the world, from the origin of the Peace sign to the physical properties of Titanium.

He touched on Chinese astrology, and how 'God does things' on odd numbered days. As we spoke (at length if youre not understanding) I noticed the hospital bracelet.

There was also the nervous-twitch-like way he kept snapping the fingers of his right hand.

I think the highlight of the conversation, for me anyhow, was when he pulled off his V.A. issued velcro fastening slippers, his olive drab sock, and pointed out to me that he was missing the big toe on his right foot.

I shit you not.

Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to disengage from the conversation, as he was unrelenting. I finally caught a break when he asked where he could sit down to put his sock and slipper back on.

He shuffled around the jewelry case with a cry lf 'where's my toe?!?' and proceeded to find another victim.

I wish I could tell you that this was a made up story, but even I'm not that creative.

Buenos con queso,



Beth said...


Yeah. I got nothin'.



T.J. said...

Bliss: Yeah, I know how you feel. I was there, and I got nothin'.