Sunday, September 05, 2010

Eviill. Eviill like the frooits of the Deviill.....

What, you really didn't expect me to post yesterday, did you?

Silly rabbits.

Ok, so the other day (or a month ago) I was watching So I Married an Axe Murderer, which if you haven't seen it, is worth a look, if for no other reason, to see the origins of Dr. Evil, and prolly Fat Bastard as well.

In any event, there's a scene with Mike Meyers and Nancy Travis, and he says to her:
Ha! Name one evil thing you've done. And it has to be really evil. So evil, in fact, that you would say it was eviill. Eviill, like the frooits of the Deviill.

Just because of that, I started thinking about my own actions, and if any of them could be classified as evil. It was a tough lot of soul-searching, not just because nobody wants to believe they're evil, but because I've been a pretty nice guy for much of my career.....

I did come up with one thing tho, that while not 'like the frooits of the Deviill' was at least mostly evil.

This goes back to my Freshman year in High School, so like a billion years ago.... It's a long story (and i may have told parts of it before) but I spent the second semester of my Freshman year at the school in California that I would most likely have graduated from if we hadn't moved to Nevada.

Due to differences in class availability and such, one of the 'classes' I had was Library Science. This was basically 50 minutes of re-shelving books in the stacks, emptying trash cans, and when there was nothing else to do, reading.

It was a pretty sweet gig, actually.

Now, seeing as how this was like 1980, this next bit is/was all futuretechy.... They had what is now mandatory in all stores: Those little plastic towers that read the 'you're a thief' tags. In our case, it was a magnetic strip that had been installed in the spine of the book, and it actually locked the turnstile so you couldn't leave.....

Well, one day, as I was shelving the books, I found one that had the metal strip hanging out....almost all the way. Now, I'm not sure why, but rather than take the book up and report it, I simply removed the strip. I'm also not sure why I put it in the librarian's sweater pocket, but that's what I did.

Now, I was long gone before she would have tried to leave, but I often speculate on what might have happened. I can see her, alarm going off, unable to turn the stile, trying like Hell to figure out what was wrong. Maybe searching her purse for a book she'd forgotten to demagnetize....finally finding the little strip in her pocket....

Now, you may be wondering if I ever felt any repercussions from this little stunt, and I can happily say no, as she hung her sweater on a rack in a highly public area of the library.

Well, at least she used to.

Buenos con queso,



Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

That actually is one of my fave movies. I love it! :D

T.J. said...

Andie: Isn't it a hoot?