Friday, May 04, 2007

I think the government offed Anna Nicole Smith...

No, really.

I can hear you all ask why, but the answer is really quite simple:

They did it to cover up crazy astronaut chick.

Yeah, remember her? She was all news, all the time. 2 days later, Anna's toast, and that's all it's been for months.

Have you heard anything else about crazy astronaut chick?

Neither have I.....

I'm just sayin.

The call of the day (thursday) came late in the evening, and was another example of my prophetic vision, which will hereafter be refered to as my MPV. Yes, I know it's redundant, but it sounds stupid without the other 'my.'

It's also been called a T.J.-vu (thanks brenda). Tonight's was very obscure, and would prolly lose a lot in the telling, but it can be summed up in two words:

Mister Glasscock. it goes like this. I posted this after work on Thursday, and so I may or may not post again tomorrow. Get back to me in the morning.


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