Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is it winter yet?

I know I bitch about the cold, snow, and just generally crappy weather we have in the winter, but at least I can fucking sleep.

It seems like I'm waking up every couple hours (maybe less) drenched in sweat.


I have to find a dry spot on my pillow before I can go back to sleep, which takes quite a while, as I'm so fucking hot that I can't even get comfortable.

It's miserable.

I hope you like the new photo.....I took it last night.

My brain is still half asleep, so I'll leave you for now.

Fiesta con fuego,



AndiePandie said...

Love the picture! I walked out of MA last night and saw how beautiful the moon was. I grabbed Mr. AP and said, "Omg! Look! Awesome!" Ahhh I love the moon. :)

And I totally cannot sleep if I'm hot either. Icky.

T.J. said...

It sucks.

And just a question, have you read the LOTR books?

I mean, the movies were good when they got it right, and some things were perfect, but were soooo bad when the got it wrong.

Which they did alot.


AndiePandie said...

I did read them yes. :) One thing about the books is I could have done without all the songs and looonnggg scene descriptions. Other than those two points I love them. LOTR is actually one of the few sets of movies that I like just as much as the books. Typically I hate the book turned movies. Eh, agree to disagree I guess. ;)

T.J. said...

I guess we'll have to...grin
