Sunday, November 23, 2008

I don't believe it.....

The Raiders acually won a game.

I totally expected them to lose. Well, I was actually thinking that they prolly wouldn't win another game this season, so imagine my surprise when they actually handed a defeat to Denver, of all things.

Not that I know what Denver's record is, but I know that they've beaten my boys quite a bit lately.

I'm flabbergasted.

Right now, Michael and I are watching Serenity. Well, in all honesty, we're watching Firefly, the series that they cancelled that the movie was based on.....

So, that's what I'm going to do.

Buenos con queso,



Unknown said...

Well dude from a True Raider Fan living in Bronco territory, I thought the game rawked and wish I could have afforded to go watch it personaly.

I am glad you guys are having a good time, keep on having a good time hehe.

Chat at ya soon

Beth said...

They may have won, but they still suck. ;)

GO BOLTS!!! {who aren't doing so well this year, but are still better than yer damn Raiders.} :D

Love ya!

Kelwhy said...

just wanted to say hey - i've been so out of the loop lately! ;)

miss y'all!

T.J. said...

Tina: I've never been to a pro foodball game. How lame am I?

Kat: Yeah, the Raiders suck this year...and well, for the last several in fact, but SD lost too...

Kelwhy: Yeah, you busy, busy girl.
Hey back.
