Sunday, November 02, 2008

I've been working on the 'boxes of love'....

Just so you know, this is how it's going to work.

I've got a few items that are going into every box, and then I'm trying to put some individualized items in them as well.

We're nearing the mail out date, so if you want some mail-love, send me that addy.

This means YOU PSP.....

Also, as some (or both) of you may know, I'm doing the NaBloPoMo thing. I don't have a button or anyting like that, cause that's not how I roll.

Or, I've just forgotten to get one, but either way, this will be another month with lots of posts.

I hope y'all are up for it.

Hell, I hope I'm up for it.

I'd love to stay and chat, but there's a new Simpsons Treehouse of Horror on tonight, and I'm sure that it'll be better than anything I can come up with here....

Buenos con queso,



Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Oh, dude, I forgot!!! I'm so sorry!!!

Emailing it FROM MY WORK EMAIL right now, because I am that brave.

T.J. said... your addy.
