Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The worst is yet to come....

I always forget the little things.

Like the fact that a couple days ago, I sliced my finger open. I mean, I can usu remember such things, and most of the time I do. Sometimes, however I go to do something I've done a thousand times, and I just go auto-pilot, and forget that I need to monitor my actions.

Like just now, I went to open the dishwasher. Reached out with my left hand (right handed so wierd anyhow but that's the hand i use), pushed down to gain a little leverage, and snatched my hand back in haste from the pain shooting up my arm.

Yeah, I've got a week or two of that, I'm sure. You think an open would would have more of an impact on my psyche, but there you have it.

Typing isn't really presenting much of a problem, as keyboards require so little pressure to function, but every time I bump my finger, it screams at me.

Woo hoo.

Let the fun begin.

Buenos con queso,



Kelwhy said...

Just what exactly does your finger scream at you?

T.J. said...

Usually something along the lines of "Don't you remember you cut me you fucking idiot? Here, let me show you how much it hurt."
