Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mr. and Mrs Spears must be soooo proud.....

Yeah, they've got to be just about bursting what with their 26-year-old divorced pregnant meltdown machine and the newly whorish 16-year-old mommy to be.

It fucking boggles the mind.

Not as much as this. I mean, the book was deal was prolly fostered long before Jamie Lynn started doing the horizontal bob with her (possibly) statutory rapist boyfriend, but we all see what a mess she made of Britney.

I'm afraid to even begin to ponder what type of advice this Rhoades scholar would have given to aid in the molding of young minds. Who in the fuck decided that she had anything good to say about raising kids?

I guess it must have been her own stellar performance in that area.

Well, it's my Friday, and I made it through another week, but I'm dog fucking tired, so that's all you get tonight.

Buenos con queso,



AndiePandie said...

And the best part? She met her BF at church. Ah those silly Christians who only like to pretend they are sexually repressed in public.

Anonymous said...

I know, I can't believe it either