Tuesday, August 09, 2011

HOW hot did you say it was yesterday?

Now, this isn't actually from yesterday, it was more like a couple weeks ago, but's it's impressive, nonetheless...

I know I've talked about the weather here, and how crazy it is, and I've even talked about this area being a 'mountain desert.' but I don't know if I've shown you what the desert heat can do.

I mean, I've shown you snow, lightning, wildfires, but through it all, there's the heat.

This poor soul was left in my Technical Advisor's automobile.

I present for your viewing pleasure, Hot Pez: 

Poor Walleye.....or whatever the fuck his name is.....

Anyhow, as Paris would say, 'That's Hot."
Yes, I know that 'hot' shouldn't be capatialized, but I'll bet she thinks it does....

I'm just sayin'.

Buenos con queso,


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