Sunday, May 28, 2006


As usual, Saturday was a festering hellhole. I was sooooo whipped by the time I got home. It prolly wouldn't have been so bad, but I was running on my second fell-into-bed-around-4-am nights, and I was a shredded mess when I got home.

I've got a couple pix from Sunday breakfast, so look for those and bbq pics tomorrow.

I tried to post that before, but it was a miserable failure. That's in L's living room.

Cool, huh?

In other news, I'm worried about my friend Kat. All of a sudden, her site is lost. Kitty, are you ok?

Let me know what happened....You have my email, yes?

An open question to the masses: What is worse, our monsters from childhood, or the ones we make for ourselves with age?

Buenos con queso,


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