War causes shortages and rationing. Gas, rubber, metals. All of these have been rationed. For instance, the years 1941, 1942, and 1943 saw a need for nickel that made is necessary to reduce the content of the metal in the American coin of the same name. Copper was also needed for the war effort, so pennies suffered a change as well.
This rationing have given us some rather collectible coins though:
The 'silver nickel':

And the steel penny:

In 1943 there was also a decree from the government of the United States reducing the amount of fabric that could be used to make women's bathing suits, which resulted in Louis Reard making a two piece suit 3 years later. He named it after the islands where the U.S. was testing atomic bombs, and the rest is history.
So, while I can't really condone war, I do like the bikini.....