I haven't been whining (or tweeting) about it, but I've been in absolute Hell since Saturday morning, when I woke up with a slighly sore throat.
Which was worse on Sunday, and accompanied by copius phlegm, both running out my nose, and clogging my lungs. It was so bad, in fact, that I went home early on Sunday.
And called in sick on Monday.
Due to the new (bullshit) scheduling and assorted other crap at work, I had the next 3 days (tue wed thu) off, and here it is, Thursday, and I'm feeling somewhat better.
I mean, I still feel like shit, but at least not loose, runny shit.
Sorry, but I've told you before, I don't pull punches.
What makes it even better, is that for the last 3 days, I've been (slowly) working through the mountain of shit in my room that needs to be discarded/organized/packed for the upcoming move. Add to that the dust (do you know any guys that dust) was beating the shit out of my allergies the last few days, and you can, perhaps, get a small glimpse of the Hell I've been in.
Or not.
I will say, packing my movies was like a trip down nostalgia lane. I saw/found titles I didn't know (or couldnt remember) I had, such as:
Nate and Hayes
Pump up the Volume
And of course, my old friend:
Schoolhouse Rock
Now, in all honesty, I knew I had that last one, I just wasn't sure exactly where it was. There were others, of course, I just posted a couple of the more obscure ones to see if you were paying attention.
I'm still working on the 'taking things apart' post, and hopefully, I'll have it cobbled together soon.
Ok, gonna go grab a beer, and jettison about 10 lbs of snot outta my noggin...
Buenos con queso,
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