Friday, September 03, 2010

They say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.....

I certainly hope that's not true.

If it is, I know right where I'm headed.

See, I've had the best of intentions to blog lately. I have some good stuff to share, including, but not limited to the following:

1. A photo blog entitled 'Found Faces.'
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.
3. A really funny bit about my mother and some frogs....
4. Several work posts.
5. The Great Chicken Purchase of 2010.

That's just a few of the things I've had on my mind lately. I really, really meant to blog about at least one of those in the last...well, however long it's been since I've had a real post, and not a wimpy little 'I'm tired' one.

I do have some fun stuff to tell you, and a good number of pictures to go along with them, so bear with me, and I'll get you some good stuff soon.

And so, to the title.

Even if that's not true, I'm still pretty sure I'm heading somewhere warm when I die. I don't really think it's my fault tho. See, I'm the guy that sees a guy with one arm/half an arm, and I think to myself 'Need a hand?'

I've also been known to tell jokes about lawyers that are less than savory. I mean, lawyers are almost people, and I've made pretty bad fun of them on a regular basis.

I once even referred to a 'mentally ill small person' as being 'a little nuts.'

Nothing evil, you understand. Well, not really evil.

Not evil like the frooits of the Devill.*

But you know, not what the 'nice people' think.

Buenos con queso,


*More on that tomorrow.

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