Saturday, November 05, 2011

Let's not dwell on it, shall we?

So many things have happened that I don't even know where to start.....

Lesse....Yes, we went to Dland.

I've bought not one, but two new PS3 games....

I've been playing a stupid amount of EQ.....

I've been working....

And working.....


All in all, I've been a busy little beaver.....

I guess what really brought me here today, after such a protracted absence is the fact that serendipity (serenity perhaps) gave me another 'must have' tattoo.....

This one will be Chinese text down the back of my left calf that reads thusly: 宇宙间没有任何力量可以阻止我

For those of you that don't read Chinese, that says 'No power in the 'verse can stop me.' Actually, it's closer to 'The Universe, there's no power can stop me.'

How can I be sure, you ask? Well, that's a good question. I had the phrase in mind for a tattoo anyhow, so I was familiar with it. I tried a couple online translators, and they all kind of gave the same thing, but I wanted to be sure.

I send an email to a Professor of Chinese, one John Chang by name, and gave him the phrase and some background about the quote.....He sent me the above, and the other translation I got online....

Anyhow, I'm on my way (maybe) soon to stop in a couple shops and get prices and the like.

I'll keep you posted.

Buenos con queso,


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