It's been a madhouse around here. Work is fine. In fact, I'm training a new girl for swing shift. I won't bore you with the sordid details, but we're down 2 operators.
My neice had her birthday celebration yesterday. We were going to go to Wild Island, but after driving all the way from Carson to Sparks (35-40ish miles) we found out that the park was closed. Seems that this was the weekend that IGT has it annual corporate party for all of it's employees.
We ended up going to Circus Circus. There's a midway, and lots of games of skill. The ring toss, quarter pitch, the water balloon know that kind of thing. It was me, my niece, two of her friends and my 'brother-in-law'. I'm sad to report that I have no pictures of the event, as I was expecting to get soaking wet and didn't take my camera.
I have put a couple pix of my newest neice on the puter tho: isnt's she adorable?

She and her mother stayed at home. We ate at the buffett, won lots of stuffed animals and then had some ice cream. We capped the day by heading to the mall. It's strange being at the mall with 3 11-year-old girls, I can tell you.

Be excellent to each other, and party on Dudes,
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