Saturday, July 29, 2006

Foreign correspondants...

Well, I've had a couple takers.

Kat, whom some of you may know, and K, another of my loyal fans have offered to help out in my time of need.

Or my vacation, whatever you want to call it. I'm easy tho. If you (any of you) want to post something here, just ask.

I can see the Universe in a grain of sand

A lot of stuff has been going on lately. Some is work related, some not so much. My operations manager at work (my direct supervisor) has put in her notice. She and her husband have decided to move to Carter OK.

Not sure what exactly this will mean for the work situation, but it will prolly mean the hiring of at least one new operator.

We've got the big push for Dland going. The trip itself is paid off, and now we're just saving for spending cash/travel expenses. It's such a lean time. I'm always working (who isnt tho right) and yet I never have a dime to spend. It's great.

Hopefully my graveyards are all done. We hired an operator (another guy) and he actually wants graveyards. Go figure. I sure hope he works out. He's picked up the process fairly quickly, so I have high hopes, but on the other hand there is a pretty big turnover at my company.

Well, it's 9:00 am and I need to start some laundry.

Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes,


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