Sunday, May 08, 2011

Maybe we don't always know as much as we think we do.

I mean, I can remember when I thought this:

was a big rubber band.

And yes, when compared to the wimpy little newspaper rubberband that I knew at the time of my youth, I suppose it was.

Then, although I never got around to posting pics...(remember when i didn't have a digital cam), I saw rubberbands that put those to shame.  Now, this isn't the actual rubber band (i don't think) but they are 7 inches long.

Oh, and they sting like a bitch when they hit you, even from across the room.

I found something the other day, however, that puts all previous rubberbands to shame.....

I present to you the M.O.A.E.B*:

Or, to put it in a little more perspective:

I know, right?

Also, some more light painting:

I have more, and intend to make more, but that's all you get for now.

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all you mutha's out there.

Buenos con queso,


*Mother Of All Elastic Bands

1 comment:

Beth said...

You're such a dork. ^_^