Monday, December 07, 2009

I don't know anything....

So, we got a bit of snow last night/today:

Well, it actually started last night (yes i have photos but i need to 'shop them) and it's still snowing.....

Oh, and they tried to call me in today, and I actually said no.

For all the good it did....

I have to go in tomorrow...


It's gonna be teh (sic) SUCK, but I fully intend to walk in, just to prove a point. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to prove, but Ima prove it.

That storm you've heard about?

The major storm on the West Coast?

Yeah, it's crapping all over me.

Tomorrow will be joy beyond joy.....

Buenos con queso,



Anonymous said...

I'm going to work tomorrow, on my day off, just to get paid to snore through a staff meeting. It's boring guaranteed!

WV = tante
Pronounce it however you want...

T.J. said...

Q: WooHoo!! Someone else that got called into work. Oh, and tante is German for aunt, in case you didn't know.

Anonymous said...

Well it might be, but I ain't never heard of that.

T.J. said...

Q: Trust me. I speak pretty fair German...