Monday, June 07, 2010

Oh, don't look at me like that....The internet is full of broken promises....

I know I said I'd be back yesterday, but yesterday didn't go quite as I'd planned. First of all, it was fucking hot. Not as hot as Vegas, or some other places, granted, but I don't do well in the heat.

Part of it's because my body temperature runs somewhere between 99.5 and 100, and part of it is because I have hair almost down to my ass. Throw in crappy air circulation at work, a dress code that won't allow me to wear shorts, and no a/c, and you can begin to understand my prediciment.

The heat started making me feel sick somewhere around 11 or so, and it didn't really let up until about 15 minutes after I got home and swapped my work clothes for a pair of shorts.

No shirt, no socks/shoes, just a pair of shorts.

And I was still hot.

Couple that with the fact that my leg felt like a rat with dull teeth had been trying to gnaw it off all day, and ask yourself if you would have blogged.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Ok, so, on to news.

I haven't mentioned it (mostly cause i havent been blogging) but I took the plunge and ordered a new computer.

I went a little retro, and custom designed a P4 system with 4 gigs of ram and a 1gig PCIE vid card. See, knowing what I do about eq (which is what this box is primarily for) I know that this would tear it up.

I didn't go Dell, and I didn't go HP, as, like anything else, when you buy a name, that's what you mostly pay for: The Name.

Parts is parts, as they say.

I'm happy to report that my computer arried Thursday last.

I'm not so happy to report that I have to send it back, as it's not doing what it should. Does this make me happy? No. Does it make me regret my choice to go generic? No. Did this cause me to go ahead and try to plug my laptop into the internet and see if it would run eq? Yes.

I'm happy (and sad cause i didnt try sooner) to report that my lappy eats everquest. Well, at least so far. I wish I'd have tried earlier, but I never in a million years would have thought that it would work.

I've also plugged a USB mouse and keyboard into Lappy, and am currently using it to type this fabulous blog.

Ok, so on to the maudlin.

Today would have been Greg's 44th birthday.

It's funny how the time gets away from you. We're working on 2 years since he died, and it still tears at me that he's gone.

If any of y'all are still reading this, please send out a silent 'Happy Birthday, Greg.'

It'll mean a lot to me.

Buenos con queso,



Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

Happy Birthday Greg!

Whiskeymarie said...

(silently) Happy bee-day, Greg!

I'm more of a "buy it ready to go" kind of computer girl, but the Mr. is constantly building/rebuilding his. I gave up trying to figure out what he does with it a long time ago.

T.J. said...

Bliss: I wish we'd get some rain. The whole desert thing tho....

Andie: Thanks for that. It means a lot.

Whiskeymarie: And thank you. It does mean a lot to me. And, just so you know, tinkering around inside a computer's not that hard.....