Thursday, June 24, 2010

So, I guess I should have waited to post yesterday....

At least I'd have had something to post about.

If you follow me on Twitter (and if you dont why dont you), or if you're in my family then you know that I got fired yesterday.

If you're not, then I guess you just found out.

Of course, I didn't find that out until after I'd walked all the way to work. My boss, who has to answer to the owner, delivered the news in his office shortly after I arrived at work.

He wasn't happy about having to let me go, but the owner is the owner, and what he says pretty much goes.

I guess it seems he didn't think I was listing enough stuff on ebay, even though not having stuff to list isn't really my fault.

Oh well, what can you do?

So now, I get the joy of finding a new job. I'm not really worried about finding one yet, even with the depressed economy, as I've always been able to find a job. Of course, it's only been a day (already applied at walmart) and of course, I'll be applying around town, but as it's only been a day, I'm not stressing.


If things don't go well, then we'll see. I'm easy though, in that I'll take just about anything. I'm not one of those types that will turn my nose up at a job. Hell, if worse comes to worst, I'll get a job at Taco Bell or something.

I'm pretty sure that I'm just going to fuck off today. I may go out and apply a couple places, but I'm not sure. I suppose I could use today to get a sample manuscript together so that I can start sending it around to get my book deal.

That'd solve all my job problems.

Buenos con queso,



Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

ACK! T I think my twitter program is dropping some of my tweets because I totally didn't see this! Oh man I'm so sorry. :( Stupid douche owner!

Also? Don't knock the book thing. Hell if you've got an idea, start working on it and sending it out. Tell me the style and genre and I'll talk to my writer friends to get suggestions for where you can send it.

Kelwhy said...

well damn! best of luck to you - i'm sure it won't be nothing for you to find a new job, but still, just having to go do it blows! ick. and hi! it's been awhile! my damn work filter has been blocking blogs - what the hell?! hahh! anyway, got thru this morning and wanted to say a quick hey! chat later!

T.J. said...

Andie: I know, it kinda sux to lose a job. As for the book, well, you've kinda already read it.

I want to take the lazy man's way out and get select posts from my blog made into a book....

Kelwhy: Wow....You didn't fall off the face of the Earth!! And I agree, looking for work just plain sucks...