Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I knew better than to answer my phone.....

I fucking swear.

Why do I have a such a good work ethic? Why can't I say no when I get called in? Why don't people think it's necessary to get off their dead asses and go to work?

As you can prolly tell, I got called into work yesterday, and fuck but it pisses me off. The only good part, and even the good part's not much, is that it's overtime pay. That's all well and good, but I'm still fucking pissed.

I know, I's my own fault for saying yes.

Doesn't make it any less wrong, or me any less pissed.


On another note, I got the new Harry Potter book yesterday. Yeah, I read Harry Potter, so what? It's good so far, but I've already found 2 typos. Well, one typo, and one wrong word usage.

That's the job I really need. Anybody looking for an editor?

Ok....guess I'm gonna get in some more reading before I head to the grind.


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