Saturday, May 02, 2009

I guess I can't call this Saturday Morning Movie Review....

'Cause it's like 9:30 at night.

I am, however, going to tell you about a movie I think you should see.

I don't know if I've talked about Shaun of the Dead or not, but it's relavent to this review. See, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are also in the movie I've come to tell you about: Hot Fuzz.

This movie is fucking hilarious.

I suppose I should set it up more, tell you plot lines and the like...and I'll get to that in a bit, but all you really need to know is that this movie is fucking hilarious.

Hot Fuzz, as you may guess from the title (or maybe not) implies a police movie. Either way, a 'police story' is what it is. It's the 'big city cop moves to the countryside' story.

As you might imagine, this presents a multitude of opportunites for humor and hilarity. Well, from the subtle British humor, to the broad physical comedy, you'll be laughing your ass off, or I'll refund your admission price.

If you haven't see it, I highly recommend it.

Oh, but you might want to see Shaun of the Dead first.

It's a classic.

Buenos con queso,



Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

I thought Shaun of the Dead was just okay but Hot Fuzz was flipping awesome! Love it!

HoosierHerm said...

Hey T, Like your new Banner, I would say; "It's just Peachy", because that sounds better than "It's just Orangy". Anyway, I'm sending your "Goody Mail" by a new method this month, call it Dave_Mail ! Hope You enjoy the variety enclosed !A HREF = "">
Go read my new blog !

Whiskeymarie said...

I laughed my behind off at Shaun of the Dead. This reminds me that I need to see it again...

T.J. said...

Andie: You should totally watch SotD again. It really is funny.

Herm: Look for a 'mail day' post soon.

Whiskey: If you liked SotD, you'll fucking love Hot Fuzz.