Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hi there...Remember me?

I know, I know.

You have to understand tho, it's not entirely my fault.

I can hear you arguing that, saying that since I'm the one that has to post, and I'm responsible for sitting at the keyboard and typing, that I'm to blame for the lack of posts lately.

I blame a lack of time, an abundance of tired, and a dose of apathy.

So, the fuel pump:

I'll make it short by saying that after waiting 3 days for the one we ordered to arrive, it was the wrong one. My mechanic was going to try and make it work, but it just wouldn't.

I won't give you all the gory details, just trust me.

So, he called Napa and our local Subaru dealer. The price quotes were $299.95 (napa) and $255.95.

I know, right?

At that point Pops and I were seriously considering just getting a new car. I mean, we only paid $900 for the Bu, and paying that for a pump (plus the couple hun we paid to redo the front end) and we've paid almost half the car again in repairs.

Well, the good news is, Pops found one at a wrecking yard, and it only cost 20 bux.

So, after a couple weeks of walking back and forth to work (thus the tired) I'm back on the road.

Oh, and I signed up for NaBloPoMo again for June. I'm just a glutton for punishment that way.

Buenos con queso,



Anonymous said...

Glad you got some good news! Hope your weekend is going well...

HoosierHerm said...

Glad to hear about the wheels, I've done that walking thing a lot. It starts out being fun and healthy, and gets to boring with a quickness !
What is the NaBloPoMo theme for June ? I'm looking forward to your return to active blogging ! See ya !

T.J. said...

Q: I know, right?

Herm: Well, I have my iPod, so boring doesn't really enter into it. It was the having to leave an hour earlier, and being drenched in sweat by the time I got to work that I was not liking. Oh, and the theme is Heroes, in case you didn't notice.....