Monday, June 01, 2009

Ferris Buehler....You're my hero.....

So, the June theme from NaBloPoMo is heroes, and as always, they leave it up to the bloggers to interpret it how they will. I'm not entirely sure where the month will lead me, but I found a way to start.

I learned some years ago (in my post civil war history class) about Dunkirk. Well, actually about the battle and evacuation that occurred there during World War II.

Germany had chased and harried a large portion of the British and French armies across France, and had them pinned up against the ocean at the town of Dunkirk. What happened next, is thought by many to be one of the mistakes that cost Hitler his victory.

In his infinite wisdom, Hitler decided that instead of sending in his ground troops to crush his enemies, he'd use the Luftwaffe so that his entire army could enjoy the victory.

What happened next can only be termed amazing. I'm not going to relate it here, that's what the link's for. Without the pulling together at that time, and in that place, it's entirely possible that Hitler would have taken England. Then, with the industrial power of that nation solidifying his rear flank, he could have pushed at Russia on a single-front war, and would prolly have won.

So, there you have it. Those captains are heroes.

Buenos con queso,


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