Sunday, June 07, 2009

Greg would have been 43 today...

Of course, that won't be happening, as he's not longer with us.

I've been missing him a lot lately, and what with this being around the time I'd have called him to wish him a happy birthday, perhaps that's not so strange.

No matter how far we lived from each other, or how long it had been since we'd spoken, I always called him on his birthday.

Since I can't call him, I'll do this:

Happy Birtyday, Greg. I miss you.

Buenos con queso,



Princess Sparkle Pants said...

I miss him for you, too. I think he's giving you a long-range high five today.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been missing someone lately. I've been missing my grandpa like CRAZY this week & he's been gone for over 10 years. Weird how it hits ya at different times, huh?

Word verification is: kingly :)

T.J. said...

PSP: One can hope.

Q: Yeah, it is weird. And wow.... a word verifcation that was acutally a word. That's just bizaare.