Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.

That's Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It has some merit, I suppose, but I'm not sure it's entirely accurate. Most heroes that we hear about do not one heroic thng, but many.

I'm carefully researching the heroes I plan to profile in the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled, cause heroic things are going to happen.

Buenos con queso,



HoosierHerm said...

Speaking of Heros, has anybody heard from Kelwhy ? She's been MIA for a while now ?
A few of My Heros : Gen. Chuck Yeager,Harry Truman,John Lennon,Malcolm Forbes,...

T.J. said...

I haven't. She does that tho. She gets busy (boy do i understand that) and life keeps her from blogging from time to time.

I'm sure she's fine.