Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I almost did it again...I almost missed a day....

And since I still really don't have a topic, I'll take my cue from Q.

Feel free to ask me questions in my comments.

I think I'll give each of you 3 (i can do that cause im awesome like that), so knock yourselves out.

Buenos con queso,



Whiskeymarie said...

1) What's your favorite kind of cheese?
2) When was the last time you skinny-dipped?
3) Pizza or cheeseburgers?

tusk said...

1What would you do with a drunken sailor?
2How much wood would a wood chucker chuck if a wood chucker could chuck wood?
3what would you do if i sing out of tune?

Anonymous said...

Woohoo I got blogged about!
So I can only ask 3 questions?
Wait, that one doesn't count does it?
Oh crap - only one left?

Well shit, that didn't go so well...