Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do you know what a hooker does on her days off?

I don't know if I've talked to y'all about my friend Jessi, but just in case I haven't, I should tell you that she's one of my best friends, and she's been living back East for a year or 2 now, and I've missed her more than I can say.

Well, I guess I should say she had been living back East.

See, she came home last week.

The best part is, she came to visit Sunday night. It was good to see her, and as we exchanged our stories from the time we've been apart, she said 'Oh yeah, look,' as she pulled some of her hair back to reveal the left side of her face.

'Can you see it?' I looked, and have to admit that I couldn't.

Until we trooped up to the bathroom and pulled out the black light.

See, she went and got herself a couple tattoos done in ultraviolet ink:

Now, as you know if you read here at all, I have a few tattoos, and I certainly plan on getting more, but I never had any plans to get my hands, let alone my face inked, because I know that I'll be in the uptight, buttoned down work force for many years to come.

If I hit the lotto, or win megabucks, things may change, but for the most part, I'd never considered it.

Until now. I still doubt that I'll get my face done (unless i find something i just cant live without) but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to some on my hands. See, without a black light, these things are fucking invisible. Now, I find myself in a dilemma.

See having never contemplated knuckle dusters, I have no idea what I should get. I do think that I may end up getting some on the palm side as well, and I've got a couple geek ideas for that.

Michael suggested that, since I'm a touch typist I should get 'ASDF JKL;' on my finger tips, and I thought that was kinda kewl, and I'm also thinking about 'Live Long And Prosper' running down the fingers of my right hand, so that when I flash the Vulcan peace sign, I'll be even more radically cool.

That still leaves the tops, or knuckle sides with no ideas, so I'm asking for your input.

What do you think I should get?

Buenos con queso,



Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

That is about the coolest tat I've seen. I guess the artist has to tat in a room with the black light in order to see what they're doing. Seriously though, that's awesome!

T.J. said...

Andie: Well, regardless of what type of in an artist is using, there's a stencil applied to the skin beforehand.....

Chapter Two said...

so cool

T.J. said...

BFD: I know, right? I'm soooo jealous right now...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anything like these before! I love that face one & that is a very, very cool pic, btw.

As for your knuckles, I vote for DILLIGAF?! Of course, even if the ink is invisible, won't the redness from the initial session be noticeable until it heals? How did she deal with that? Now I'm curious!

Anonymous said...

How about one like this?