Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What's the difference between a blonde and a 747?

Whew...what a day.

It was an extra day again this week, but at least I got OT for this one.

And as an extra added bonus, I got paid today too, which means that I've totally gotten enough money together for my Black Friday extravaganza.

I'll totally be able to buy my tv and my external hard drive....

Did I tell you that Target's got a terabyte for 60 bux?

Yeah, I prolly any event, I have enough for those two and some cheap movies to boot.

Of course, that's all after tomorrow, which I intend to totally enjoy.

We're going over early and spending the day at sis's house, and I plan to eat myself into a coma.


I'll have pix of the food and attendant proceses, and perhaps even a musical number or two...

Buenos con queso,



Anonymous said...

Damn, that was a bad joke! Still funny tho.

A terabyte for $60 & you didn't tell me until just now? Hrmmmph.

(I know, I know, but I'm just getting caught up!)

T.J. said...

Q: You didn't read the Black Friday ads? Or check them online? That's not on me, baby.

Anonymous said...

I read a few ads, but I wasn't regionally located near any decent stores when I was in Kentucky, so I just stuck with Wal-Mart this year.