Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gettin' my white trash on.....

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was so tired when I got home, that I just didn't have it in me to post.

Yes, you heard that right, I actually went out and did something on my days off, rather than just chill and play vids.

Of course, I chose the most white-trash, hillbilly thing I could think of.

I went to the roller derby in Reno.

Yes, you heard me right, roller derby.

Apparently, there's like this whole league that I knew nothing about. My sis called about a week ago, and asked me if I wanted to go with her, her s.o., and my niece. It was only 10 bux, so I figgered what the hell.

As you might imagine, this was not a black tie affair. I have to say though, that I felt pretty comfortable at the event, even if I did feel a bit under inked.

I was surprised when, just after paying and entering, I heard someone behind me say 'check out that guy's sweet Hitchhiker's Guide tattoo.' As far as I know, that's the first time someone's recognized it for what it is. We had a little chat about it, and that was cool.

Anyway, on to the derby. Imagine us, sitting on the ground, watching these girls romp and roll around with nothing between us but air. As you can see from this picture, and of course this one, these girls play rough. That second girl? Yeah, she fell square on her ass, and I know it had to fuckin' hurt.

A fair number of the girls were the burly type, as you might imagine, given the nature of the sport, but there were a few that didn't quite fit the mold. See that girl on the left? The one with the white 'skate warmers?' Yeah, she was my favorite.

Oh, yeah, and since I made such a big deal about it, here are a couple more pix of the smoke. Just so you know, you should be able to see mountains in both those pix. Just so you have a comparison, this is what our sky is supposed to look like. Or perhaps this.

Buenos con queso,



Beth said...

I don't get the whole fishnets thing... but I guess that is part of the appeal.

Girl in the white warmer dealies could be hawt if she didn't have the expression of a complete half wit...or in this case, a whole wit. :p

But, hey, if that's what floats yer boat. :D

I am so glad I don't live out that way anymore. No, we just have to worry about floods at the moment.

Glad you had a good weekend.

Ciao babe.

*humps you in roller skates*

AndiePandie said...

Aw come on, roller derby isn't white trash. :D I would totally be trying out for the local league here if it didn't interfere with my other training. But since it does, then I just look at it from afar.

Kelwhy said...

roller derby's hot! ;) ROFL - that is pretty good, it really does look like fun!

still have to read hitchhiker - i need to go buy this weekend.

T.J. said...

Kitty: In her defense, nobody looks very good with a mouthpiece in. Go to the site, there are better pix of her.

Andie: Participating may not be, but sitting on the ground, driking beer, and cheering for it is.....

Kelwhy: Yes you do. Get your ass to the book store, stat.


Unknown said...

White trash? To the arena with you...NOW!

Actually, most or our fans are intellectuals, musicians, gamer geeks and, the occasional, assorted, scooter trash.

The fishnets are kinda trademark derby, it's a "be who you're not" kinda thing. And it leaves really cool rink rash patterns on your legs. Satcha (my derby persona) rocks out the thigh high black leather boots, nets and a mini. Me? Not so much.

It's the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. It RAWKS!!! \m/
