Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The coffee fairy is my hero today.....

I haven't mentioned it (or maybe i have) but we're out of coffee.

I can see those of you that know me shaking your heads in disbelief, but it's true.

There are a couple reasons for it, most notably the lack of family dinner nights lately (things just havent worked out to make dinner work) as my sister is my coffee connection.

I know I've mentioned it before, but she works at S'bucks, and gets a free pound a week. Normally when we're low on coffee, Sunday marks the getting of a new bag. Needless to say, the lack of visits translated to a lack of coffee.

It's been a tough couple of days, what with having to wait until I get to work to start drinking my life's blood. See there's a bit of a paradox when you get free coffee all the time.

You like, totally forget to buy it.

Today, however, after I got out of the shower, I went to put my phone on the charger and noticed I had a txt message.

It read simply 'coffee downstairs. you grind it.'

It seems that during my shower the coffee fairy (aka my sis's so) dropped by and left a pound of Komodo Dragon (this is the best shit ever) on my kitchen counter.

So, once again, all is right with the world, and I have coffee to drink whilst I blog.

Buenos con queso,



Whiskeymarie said...

I used to have a coffee fairy from Caribou coffee, but alas, she is no more.

But I don't drink that much anymore, so a pound lasts forever at our place anyways.

T.J. said...

I have to have it. It's one of the few pleasurse left to me....

I drink until I leave for work, and then all day at work.

I'm bad.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Money Fairy will show up soon, too! :)