Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm broke down, insufferable--my mind is on the blink, It's later than you think and I'm too daze gone

Wait a minute, what happened to Monday and Tuesday...

Oh, yeah, now I remember. I went shopping all day Monday (see my tweets) and then did some drunken gambling.

Oh, and I had a surprise yesterday, and got to go play some golf (see my tweets).

On both of those days, due to beer and such, I found myself too relaxed to post....

Which basically means I fell asleep, and woke up too late (after midnight) to get a post in on time.

Oh well, as I said when I fucked up the first time this month, I'm pretty ok with the fact that I didn't get posts out.

I was having too much fun, and as long as I have an excuse, I don't mind that I missed.

Buenos con queso,


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