Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I'm so sure, I'm practically deodorant...

Happy Tuesday, all.

It was a worker for me, as I'm sure for most of you. It wasn't a bad day at work, but it was still a day at work. I mean, the crappiest day fishing is better than the best day ever at work.

Well, if you fish.

If you don't, well, you get my point.....

I'm still smiling from the Rush show.

I'll be rolling down my playlist, see a Rush tune, and think 'Oh, yeah, they played that, huh?' What can I say, it was prolly the best day of the year, so far.

My award for dumbasses of the week?!? Yeah, it's a tie between the kid that reported it, the adult he reported it to that took it seriously, and ffs a supervisor being called...and he's as fucking dumb as the rest...

I mean really, wtf?

'Oooohhhh, my teacher is a spooooky wiiiiizard.'

Was is Professor Dumbledore, you little dumbass?

I weep for society.

Buenos con queso,


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