Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A shot of Whiskey-love in my mailbox.....

Not so long ago, I started reading a new blog. It's over here. She cracks my shit up. Well, just a couple weeks ago, she asked for (and recieved many i have no doubt) addresses so that she could do a 'mail-a-thon,' tho that's my word for it, not hers.

In any event, I submitted my addy, and yesterday, I came home to find this:


And the front:


What can I say, I love getting mail.

I'm sure you all do to, so here's the deal:

You send me your real address to kvenya at gmail dot com, and I'll send you somthing in the mail. I already have Kat's, and have, in fact sent her a few things already, but the rest of you?

Yeah, get on it and send me an address and you'll get some T.J.-love in your box.

Your mailbox that is.

Buenos con queso,



Beth said...

T.J.-love in my box... ROCKS.
Especially when it smells like coffee and looks like TinkerBell! :D


T.J. said...

Heh.....glad to help out.


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

that made me laugh, too! I'll email later, when I'm not working and such!!! Thanks!