Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is it bad karma to pee on a fortune cookie?

I'm curious about that, cause last night at WalMart...

I went in to take a leak and saw a (packaged) fortune cookie in the knee-high urinal. Seeing it, and that the urnial was so low, I backed up a bit, and turned to the taller one.

As I stood there, I thought 'that's actually pretty funny. I should get a pic of that fortune cookie.' Of course, as soon as I thought that, someone came in and started using the other urinal, thus thwarting my photo opportunity.

I know he was peeing on a fortune cookie though, and I was just wondering if anyone knows if it's bad luck, like breaking a mirror, or walking under a ladder....

Please weigh in with your answers.

Buenos con queso,



HoosierHerm said...

I can't believe that nobody commented on your very deep and salient question !! Amazing !
Really !

T.J. said...

I know, right? I'm also kind of bummed that only 1 person (you) weighed in on the music thing. Music's usually a hot topic around here....

Oh well.

HoosierHerm said...

I don't know for sure, but every instinct in the Universe is telling me that pissin' on a fortune cookie is the Worst of Bad Karma !
I'd say that's equivalent to cursing God, or praising Satan !
Now, To change the subject,...I tried to visit Q's blog last night, and saw where she had limited it to peep's that signed on some time ago ?
Please tell her that I've been absent from the Entire Cyber-verse for some time, but now " I'm Ba-ack", and wanna read her stuff, and enjoy her sense of humor, and hot Thursday posties !