Monday, March 01, 2010

People are strange when you're a stranger...

So, I signed up for nablopomo again.

The theme this month is strange.

I have plenty to say on the topic of strange, but for tonight I'll just say that it's strange to be posting from my phone...

Buenos con queso,



Beth said...

You are a glutton for punishment, my friend.

Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

T I was just thinking about you today! :D I was happy to see that you had a new post!

I have to tell ya, we are currently playing Army of Two, the sequel and it's actually really good! Much better than the first.

Kelwhy said...

so you'll be around everyday this month! ;) yay!

T.J. said...

Bliss: I know, right?

Andrea: I'm glad you stopped by, and happy I could have a new post for you. I haven't picked up the new AoT yet, but I've been playing the h e double hockey sticks out of MW2.

Kelwhy: Yuppers!!