Saturday, November 22, 2008

So in case you didn't know already, I suck.....

Yeah, I totally missed a coutple days.

I have my reasons.

In case you missed it, Michael is here for his birthday.

We got a bit of a later start than we'd intended, but it was great fun walking to the Sak-n-Sav at 6am to buy makings for White Russians.

A meal, and a short nap later, and the 3 of us, Pops, Michael, and I went over to the Gold Dust West, and played a little keno.

I managed to win a couple bucks, and we got some free drinks, so all was good.

Later, Michael and I went into Reno, to L's house. We had a pretty rad time over there. We hung out, walked to another grocery store, and bought some stuff to make drinks. We did NOT, however, buy this:

Multimedia message

We ended up just hanging out at L's last night, even tho we'd had wild plans earlier in the day. L, being the doll that she is, even let us crash at her place...Thanks so much, L, that rocked!!

We woke up fairly early this am, and puttered around Reno for a while. We hit the Circus Circus, the mall, and the Atlantis. All in all, it was a pretty relaxed day.

In case you can't tell, I'm home. We're watching 'The Big Lebowski,' and I think I'm going to go pay attenetion now.

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

Beth said...

Slacker. Just sayin'.

So glad you didn't buy the gay drink. That right there, could speak volumes of you.

Have a wonderful time with Michael!