Saturday, November 01, 2008

An inauspicious beginning.....

Well, I barley mentioned it, but I'm doing the whole Nablopomo, thing, and I planned to have a really bad-ass post for you in honor of that, but....

I decided to get sick instead.

Seems I've been fighting a cold for about 2 days now......

I've been freebasing Halls, and chasing it with Theraflu.

And hoping.

I feel a little better today. In fact, I went out and picked up a couple things for the box o' love, and I've only gotten a couple addys....if you want some mail, send me an addy....

In other news, Pops and I had some errands to run. This, of course, inevitably lead to us at the Gold Dust West.

Can you say frustration:

I snapped this pic of the fourth time I hit 5 of 6.


Buenos con queso,



Beth said...

Nablopomo. Yes. Just in time for me being unable to pay my cable bill...

They haven't shut me off yet, but I predict that it will be off in the next 45 minutes or so (midnight).


Hope you feel better soon, babe. :-*

Unknown said...

I hope you feel better soon.

T.J. said...

Thanks for the well-wishes you two.


T.J. said...

Thanks for the well-wishes you two.
