One of my new reads/readers (mellow chaos over there) posted this on her site not too long ago, and it seemed kinda fun, so I thought I'd straight steal it and post myself, even if she didn't see fit to tag me with it.
A. Attached or Single? Single. If you've been here for long enough, you know why.
B. Best Friend? Now? I'm not sure who I'd call my best friend. As some of you know, I
lost my best friend awhile back.
C. Cake or pie? I'm with Em on this one, it's like asking me to choose between breathing or eating. If I have to choose, tho, I'll prolly go with cake. German Chocolate, since you asked.
D. Day of choice? Sunday. It's the one day where I try to do nothing. (ems answer unchanged in any way)
E. Essential item? My camera. I try not to leave the house without it.
F. Favorite color? Another toughie. Let's go with black.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms. Especially the red/orange combination. (ems again)
H. Hometown? Danville, CA.
I. Favorite indulgence? Sushi. (ems again)
J. January or July? Of the two? Prolly January. Sure, it's cold, and there's usually snow, but I'm not sweating my ass off, and it is my birthday month.
K. Kids? Yes.
L. Life isn’t complete without? A sense of humor. (em and i have more than a few in common)
M. Marriage date? The second Tuesday of next week.
N. Number of brothers and sisters? Two sisters. One older, one younger.
O. Oranges or Apples? Oranges all the way, baby.
P. Phobias? Nothing comes to mind.
Q. Quotes? 'This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays'
R. Reasons to smile? Lately, few and far between.
S. Season of choice? Fall, methinks.
T. Tag 5 people: Kat, PSP, Kelwhy, GreyGoose, and Sue.
U. Unknown fact about me? Uhhh....I don't know.
V. Vegetable? Brussels Sprouts. Cut in half, and sauteed with bacon. It's the shiznit.
W. Worst habit? Feeling superior.
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? I've had a couple xrays, but no ultrasound.
Y. Your favorite food? Think I'm gonna go all 'guy' and say steak. Blood rare, thankyouverymuch.
Z. Zodiac sign? Gregorian, Capricorn the goat. And I'm the most Capricornish Capricorn you're likely to meet. Chinese, Snake.
Ok, there you have it. Those I've asked to play along, please do. If you didn't get asked, don't feel slighted. I'm still on my first cuppa, and my brain's not in gear yet.
Just because I didn't tag you tho doesn't mean you can't play along. Remember, I wasn't tagged, but took this upon myself. If you decided to play along, leave me a comment and let me know so I can check it out.
Buenos con queso,