Sunday, February 10, 2008

I think the itching may actually be the worst part.....

Of the whole tattoo process.

I mean, sure, there's pain, and there's the agony of deciding what, and where.

Even paying for a tat can be a problem (without casinos that is), but the most lengthy and recurring symptom is the healing itch.

Today, it was driving me fucking batshit.

It still is, in fact.

I've been lotioning and slapping them all day long, and it still hasn't subsided in any real fashion.

I'm grinning as I write this tho. Even with the inconvenience of the itching, and all of the above, they're still worth it. Don't let me put you off getting one.

I'm still a major fan, and I still have a few that I'm going to get, so don't think I'm regretting my current ones.

I just like to bitch, but if you've read here for any length of time, you already know that.

Buenos con queso,



Kelwhy said...

yeah the itching will drive you insane - but not enuf to stop me from getting another one! ;)

love your new one. I've still got to go get that book to read now...

T.J. said...

Yeah, I'm so stoked at how they came out. Totally blown away.
