Sunday, February 24, 2008

I was on the phone with Summer last night.....

No, not the season. That bastard is still down South somewhere, and not taking or returning my calls.

No, I'm referring to my daughter.

I haven't talked to her in a while, which is mostly my fault, but we had a good chat last night.

I got a couple pieces of news: Firstly, she wants to go to Dland with us this year (yay), and secondly she has her fucking learner's permit.

How fucking old do I feel?

I suppose it's just as bad as knowing that my son will be fucking 21 in November.

Does anybody know how and or why time makes us it's bitch?

I mean really.

I did get one little grin tho: J, Summer's mom (and obviously my ex) is a grandmother. Heh. Her oldest son, P.J. has a daugher (i think). So J, who's actually a couple years younger than me made it to grandparenthood first.

Not that I wish bad things for her. I think you all know that I love her. I guess I always will, and not just because we have Summer to tie us together. J and I were good together, and she could get me out of a bad mood faster than anyone else I've ever known.

Ok, sorry for the lateness of the post.....

Buenos con queso,



Kelwhy said...

interesting - how long have you been divorced?

sue said...

The older you get, the faster time seems to go...

T.J. said...

Kel: Technically, in order to be divorced we would have to have been married....but we've been 'not together' 14 years or so. Email me sometime, and I'll give you the whole sordid story.

Sue: Amen to that.
