Wednesday, December 05, 2007

As rare as hen's teeth.....

No, I don't really have anything rare to talk about, I'm just trying to put some more things up that will bring random searchers to my page.

No, really.

For instance, google 'day old bread stores.'

Go ahead, I dare you. Open a new window and search it.....

Or 'Oh, Weezer, you know I love ya more'n my luggage.'

Or even 'it was snowing yesterday.'

I don't understand it. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, my little corner of the web here is pretty much under the RADAR. I mean, it's not even a blip.

Kinda like a bumblebee on an air traffic controller's screen.

So, what I want to know is how do I rank 4th on a list of over a million references to 'day old bread stores' when all I ever did is post about them


Like months ago.

It boggles the mind.

Well, it's that time again....Work beckons.

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

Beth said...

very interesting indeed.

I guess you're just cool like that.


Yup. That's it, exactly.