Monday, December 31, 2007

So...Geez....I guess I'm going to try it....

Even tho it smacks of a resolution (to blog every day), and I'm violently opposed to resolutions as a whole, I'm gonna give it a shot.

I've started to write down some topics for the future, and I'll have to keep at it if I intend to keep you all entertained for 365 days straight.

Well, I may put a photo essay or two in there.

Hell, I may even do some more storytelling.

Or, I'll get a little sauced on my birthday and pass out before I post, and blow in within the 1st two weeks.....

Either way, I'm tossing my hat into the ring.

Any of you man (or woman) enough to keep up with me?

Look for more tomorrow.

And tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

Beth said...

I would like to, but as you have seen from the last couple of weeks, it hasn't been easy for me to even keep up on a weekly basis! I might just save it for NaBloPoMo 2008! We'll see how things go over the next month!

Happy New Year, babe!