Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Where are the Grammar Police when you need them.....?

Owing to the fact that my new job requires me to be online most of my day, I've been reading a lot more email.

Not all of it's mine, per se, but I do have to answer questions about our ebay items. When someone wants to know how big a diamond in a ring is, I get to tell them. When they want to know if we ship outside the United States (even though it is clearly stated on our auction pages that we DONT) I'm the guy that gets to tell the no.

Or when, no shit, I get an email asking what a Blu-Ray DVD is (we have several online atm) I get to put on my Techie hat, and explain the advances in viewing technology over the last few years.

Not all of these letters are coherent, and many have misspellings, but yesterday I found the winner.

Now, we had a ring on sale, and in the title, it clearly states the ring is CZ.

Now, if you don't know, that stands for Cubic Zirconia.

Kind of a no brainer, wouldn't you say?

Well, speaking of no brainer, here's a question I got about the ring in my inbox yesterday. Note: all of the capitalization is left as found.

"THE diamonds IS REAL, THERE ARE natural diamonds OR LAB. WHAT'S quality OF diamonds?

The only thing that gives me hope is thinking that perhaps the questioner is not a native english speaker. I mean some languages, German for example, have different capitalization rule. In German, you capitalize every noun in every sentence.

I'm not sure which language dictates the use of all caps for words like 'OF', but I'm sure I don't want to speak it, let alone try to write something in it.

Oh, and I've added a new friend over there------>

It's Princess Sparkle Pants.

I like her, so stop by and say hi to her.

Ok, I need to fetch a cup of coffee and check my own email, and read all your stuff.

Carne del diablo,



Princess Sparkle Pants said...

You are freaking rocking. 1) Grammar and/or Engrish in one sitting and 2) a link. You MAD ROCK. Thanks!

T.J. said...

Yeah, I'm a dork. Not sure why it took me so long to link you....

Uhm....yeah, I got nuthin'.
